
Paradigm only sells to a network of authorized dealers hand picked by Paradigm. Any dealers NOT found using the resources below are not buying directly from Paradigm, and we can not guarantee or warranty any products they sell.
Paradigm speakers are NOT available online and NOT sold through mail order except with the following exceptions:
- Paradigm.com - we sell select speakers on our paradigm.com website that are fulfilled directly through our dealer network.
- Paradigm Direct Close Outs & Factory Refurbished Products Stores (Amazon & eBay). Learn more here »
- Paradigm SHIFT Series - we authorize online selling for SHIFT Series products.
The following U.S. dealers are authorized to sell select Paradigm models online:
- Audio Advice
- Audio Lab
- Crutchfield
- Safe and Sound
If you see any other websites advertising Paradigm speakers for sale, don’t buy from them! These are ‘bait and switch’ websites not authorized to carry Paradigm product. The site will reel you in by advertising Paradigm product they don’t have, then they’ll try to sell you another brand. If they do have Paradigm product, it came through shady “gray market” channels and there will be NO WARRANTY. Paradigm only honors warranties on products sold through Authorized Paradigm dealers.
Authorized Paradigm Dealers will NEVER match the prices offered on these sites. We offer exceptional products at exceptionally affordable prices. That’s the Paradigm difference. We invite you to hear that difference. Sit down today in an Authorized Paradigm Dealer’s store and listen — one more thing those online sites can’t offer — an in-store demo!
Why should you only buy from an authorized dealer?
To ensure you get the highest quality products and services offered from Paradigm, we've partnered with the best possible resellers in the audio industry. Sometimes companies or websites try to "lure" you into their store and often advertise Paradigm goods, but one of the following situations usually occurs:
- Bait-and-switch: They don't actually have anything in stock and hope to sell another brand.
- Goods are purchased on a secondary "gray" market;
- Copy-cat products that are not produced by Paradigm;
- Damaged, defective or so-called "B" stock goods; or
- Stolen goods
How can you be sure to find an authorized dealer?
Only dealers found on our website using our dealer locator search are authorized Paradigm dealers. Purchased goods from any other dealer NOT found on this list are not entitled to Paradigm warranty coverage.
Search for an Authorized Paradigm Dealer
Scammer companies to avoid at all costs!
If the price is "too good to be true" — there's a reason for that! Here are a list of scammer websites that are not authorized dealers that claim to have new Paradigm products. Products purchased from them have been found to be used, damaged, altered with fake serial numbers, and counterfeit...BUYER BEWARE!
- The Speaker Pros
- Elegant audio video
- Designer audio video
- Audio Video liquidators
- New audio video
- Copenhagen audio video
- Human Audio Video
- Nation Wide Stereo
- New Age Electronics

Still not sure?
No problem, if a dealer is telling you they are authorized and you think otherwise, simply give us a call and we can verify if that dealer is authorized or not to sell Paradigm: (905) 564-1994 or send us an email.
NOTE: While it may sometimes take a few days for a new dealer to appear on our website, we ALWAYS have the most current, up-to-date authorized dealer list at Paradigm headquarters, so if you're not sure in any way, give us a call M-F, 8:30AM to 7:30PM ET.

- Paradigm.com - 我们在paradigm.com网站上销售精选扬声器,这些扬声器直接通过我们的经销商网络实现。
- Paradigm直接关闭和工厂翻新产品商店(亚马逊和eBay)。 在这里了解更多»
- 范例SHIFT系列 - 我们授权在线销售SHIFT系列产品。
如果您看到任何其他网站广告Paradigm扬声器出售,请不要购买!这些是未被授权携带Paradigm产品的 “诱饵和开关”网站。该网站将通过广告他们没有的Paradigm产品来吸引您,然后他们会尝试向您推销另一个品牌。如果他们确实拥有Paradigm产品,它会通过阴暗的“灰色市场”渠道来实现,并且不会有任何保证 。范例仅尊重通过授权范例经销商销售的产品的保证。
授权范例经销商永远不会与这些网站上提供的价格相匹配。我们以非常实惠的价格提供卓越的产品。这就是范式差异。我们邀请您听听这种差异。今天坐下来在授权范例经销商的商店里听一听 - 这些在线网站无法提供的一件事 - 店内演示!
- 诱饵和开关:他们实际上没有任何库存,希望出售另一个品牌。
- 货物在二级“灰色”市场上购买;
- 非Paradigm生产的复制猫产品;
- 损坏,有缺陷或所谓的“B”库存商品;要么
- 被盗物品
如果价格“太好而不真实” - 这是有原因的!以下是未声明拥有新Paradigm产品的授权经销商的骗子网站列表。从他们那里购买的产品被发现使用,损坏,伪造的序列号和假冒伪劣... 买家注意!
- 演讲者专业人士
- 优雅的音频视频
- 设计师音频视频
- 音频视频清算人
- 新的音频视频
- 哥本哈根音频视频
- 人类音频视频
- 国家宽立体声

没问题,如果经销商告诉你他们是经过授权而你不这么认为,只需给我们打电话,我们就可以验证该经销商是否有权出售范例: (905)564-1994或 给我们发电子邮件 。